Slumber Party

Birthday Child’s Starring Role
Appoint your child the Official Sandman or Sleep Pixie of the party. The duties of this honorable position include wearing the birthday crown, exercising first dib rights on all cake and ice cream and sending every party guest off to sleep… eventually. If you want to make your child feel extra special, buy them a personalized party pillow so that they can pick their special sleeping spot right from the start. Otherwise have a plain white pillow cover and have felt or fabric pens available so that your child or their friends can help decorate a birthday pillow. You can even go all out and get white pillow covers for each child, and let them decorate their own pillow case.
As a keepsake, get this Autographable pillow case that all the guests can sign and give to the birthday child at the end of the party. It will be a treasure to remember!
Party Settings
There is no place cozier to roll out five or ten sleeping bags then on your own living room floor. However, if your child would rather have an adventure outside the home, consider renting a room at a special hotel or inn. You won’t have to worry about the clean up at all!
Consider this total party stand up kit. It Includes (3) signs and donut and feather cardboard cutouts, plus ribbon, and headboard. It’s the perfect instant scene setter.
Party Fun & Games
Plan enough activities to last until the sun comes up, just in case your sleepover guests forget the part about sleeping. Encourage guests to spend time cooking fun snacks such as chocolate chip cookies, baking a birthday cake from Linda Kaye’s Bake-a-Cake Party Book, making spoofs of favorite movies, and pampering themselves with makeovers. For a crafty activity, have them decorate their own sleepover backpack.
Party Leader
Most kids old enough to sleep away from home will be old enough to generate their own fun. For a special treat however, invite a fortuneteller to read guests’ futures, a storyteller to make them shiver with a spooky story, or a beautician to give mini make-overs.
Party Tunes
Give your party guests plenty of choices so that they can rock around the clock. A karaoke machine will set the stage for great lip sync contests and hours of self-induced giggles.
Party Refreshments
There will not be much snoozing and snoring at this gathering so be prepared with enough sandwiches, chips, pizza, ice cream and sundae toppings to keep everyone going all night. In preparation for breakfast, provide a menu the night before and have everyone check off their orders, just like in a hotel. Items such as pancakes, waffles, eggs and plenty of juice, are great options.
Party Finale
After a night of lots of fun and little sleep, send each guest home on a full belly with a family-style breakfast. The birthday child can even blow out another set of candles if you decorate a heaping plate of pancakes. Have an assortment of toppings available for kids to top their pancakes with, and lot’s of healthy orange juice to replenish their energy.
Birthday Presents & Favors
Surprise your guests with a personalized toiletry bag to use at this party and at many more. Check out the travel size miniatures at your local supermarket and fill with all the essentials, toothbrush, mini toothpaste, lip balm, moisturizer, and any other item you think would be appropriate.
To save you trouble, get these complete favor sets which comes with a Chic Girl’s Essentials!
Party Tips
Keep a list of each child’s phone number in case of an emergency and suggest that each guest brings her own sleeping bag, pillow, and a change of clothes.
Party Extras