Rubber Ducky

What better way to celebrate your little one’s 1st birthday than with Bath time. It’s sweet, it’s comforting, and makes your baby feel great!
A 1st birthday is a very exciting time for parents and family members. The baby can’t quite understand what is going on, so entertainment for this party should be about each other’s company and stories. Create a photo board with your baby’s ‘firsts’ such as first haircut, first smile, first crawl, etc. Share the photos with your family and friends and tell them stories about these moments.
Have your child’s favorite music playing in the background, that will soothe him and make him feel more at ease with all the attention he will be receiving.
Baby food is a great idea for the babies, but really not that appealing to adults, so instead of serving jars of baby food to the adults, how about filling empty baby food jars with foods adults would like. Like a serving of pasta salad, or a mini portion of shrimp gumbo? Serve beverages in baby bottles for the adults. Serve cupcakes instead of a large cake so that your 1 year old can enjoy the cake, even if half of it is falling onto the bib. Serve cheese and ‘quackers’ for the adults. And how about a lake of blue jello with rubber duckies sitting on top? We also love ducky cookies - they add so much color to the table! Or make your own with a Duckie Cookie Cutter.
Games and Activities
Play finger games with the little ones, such as Itsy Bitsy spider, read nursery rhymes, and play with rubber duckies as you watch Sesame Street’s Ernie serenade about his rubber duckie.
Preppy Boy 1st Birthday Box (above) is ideal for a 1st birthday party, regardless of the baby’s
sex. A first birthday is also one of
the most special birthdays.
Use Polka Dot Pastel Balloons
to add soft dabs of color to your party scene and rubber duckies all over the
table. Have all the babies at the table
wear matching bibs (here) to make them more festive.
Party Favors
You have to be very careful with favors for infants since many small items can be a choking hazard. Ultimately remember that infants put everything in their mouths so if you don’t want them to put it in their mouth, don’t give it to them. Give them large rubber duckies and plastic boats. The bath toys are appropriate and safe for this age.
Party Extras
Bulk Duck Sweet Tart Candy
Baby Ducky Favor Bag
Rubber Ducky Soap