Cars, Trucks and Trains Party

Two-Two Train 2nd Birthday Basic Party Pack
Birthday Child’s Starring Role
What is your child’s favorite toy having to do with transportation? Is your child interested in being an engineer, ship captain or a pilot? Work together to find fun transportation props, including hats and whistles.
Be creative!
Party Settings
Transform a room into a train station or airport with cardboard, scissors and markers. Use your imagination. How about designing an enormous time schedule with all of your child’s favorite destinations in mind?
And how about being super creative with the invitations and having them printed on a custom train ticket? It will get the guests into the party mood before they even get there.
Party Fun & Games
Select several storybooks with transportation themes. Try to find one book that represents every mode of transportation you can think of. Then give each child a prop that represents the various operators in the books.
Party Leader
For this celebration, you can get someone who sings, plays the guitar and can tell a story with all the bells and whistles.
Party Tunes
There is a huge selection of “transportation music” available out there. Don’t forget old favorites like “The Wheels on the Bus” and “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.”
Party Refreshments
Set out a variety of mini sandwiches, chips, fruit and soda on a table with toy cars scattered between the spread. Surprise your child with vehicle shaped sandwiches.
Party Finale
For the finale, line the partygoers up for a parade. Play music and wave as the guests stroll by.
Birthday Presents & Favors
Hand out toy vehicles as party favors. Personalized place mats are also a great touch to a party. It sets the table during the meal as well as being a nice little keepsake for the guests.
Decorate Your Own Vehicle Magnets Party Favor
Decorate Your Own Train Party Favor
Decorate Your Own Race Car Party Favor
Party Tips
If there is extra time, consider sitting the partygoers in a circle and giving each one the opportunity to talk about their favorite travel adventure.