Construction Party

Construction Party Birthday Box
Birthday Child’s Starring Role
With a yellow construction hat, a tool belt and a whistle, your child will enjoy being the contractor in charge of all the little workers
Party Settings
Place an orange and white barrier with construction zone Tape outside your front door. Build your own temporary scaffolding above the front doorway entry. Hang signs reading “Danger: Construction Zone
!” Or use Caution Tape
. And hand out Construction Hats
and Construction Worker Vests
for all your little builders.
You can start the party decorating before the party too, these great personalized invitations really get the guests into the construction mood prior to the party!
Party Fun & Games
Have a Lego Building Contest. Come up with categories so everyone wins – tallest, biggest, most creative, etc. Give each guest the same number of blocks.
Build a card house. Each guest can take a turn adding a card to the structure.
Party Tunes
The radio is on the floor playing the birthday child’s favorite station!
Party Refreshments
Pizza and Fruit Punch Flavored Gatorade should satisfy the hunger and thirst of these busy construction workers! Serve drinks in a cool
Construction Cone Cup (1).
For dessert, you can serve delicious dirt. Bake lots of Brownies (the dirt) and place them on a CLEAN shovel, in a pail. Use these ‘handy’ candles to sing Happy Birthday to.
Birthday Presents & Favors
After the whistle blows, the children will enjoy leaving with their very own mini tool boxes to help around the home.
Party Tips
Make sure there are no nails, sharp objects or dangerous tools accessible to the children!