Age characteristics
Children at this age relate well to other children and are very enthusiastic. They understand the idea of a birthday party, and can anticipate it months in advance. They tend to latch on to their closest friends so make sure to invite them. Kids at this age also tend to like helping with the planning so give them the opportunity to help throw their favorite birthday party.
Guest list
Many children at this age are in school or pre-school so your guest list can be made up of your child’s schoolmates. Although many children are in school and used to being away from their parents, some children may need to be accompanied by an adult.
Length of party
1-1 1/2 hours
Entertainment for age
This age group has short attention spans, so the entertainment program for the party should consist of a few different activities- around five. A mixture of hands-on and learning is always a great combo. Children at this age can participate in the Bake-a-Cake party, our best selling party.
Simon Says
Candy hunt
Relay Races
Shoe Mix Up
Wheelbarrow Race
I Spy
Safety for age
Make sure the party area is childproof and have a couple of adults on hand to help keep children together and the party organized.
Gymnastics Party

Birthday Child’s Starring Role
There are many ways your child can stand out on his or her special day. Put a gold medal around their neck and name them the All Around Champion. Or help them put together a coach’s or judge’s costume.
Party Settings
If you know of a gymnastics studio that is available, hold your party there. Otherwise, convert your garage or a room in your home into a wonderful gymnasium, but don’t forget all the extra safety mattresses.
Start the party theme off with your invitation.
Birthday party invitation, Beaming Gymnast
Party Fun & Games
Introduce each guest as a famous Olympic star of their choice
and watch them shine as they perform their routine. Depending on the gym
or space you have, your activities may vary. Be sure everyone is
included by keeping the physical activities simple, even if you have to set up an obstacle course with random household items. If your gymnasts are skilled enough, hand them each their very own
“Gymnastics Baton 18″” (8)” and have them perform or dance along to some music.
Party Leader
Hire a gymnastics instructor to take the partygoers through simple fun routines. A neighborhood teenager on a gymnastics team will work well too.
Party Tunes
If you’ve kept track of the songs popular gymnasts use in their routines, use those. If not, play inspirational songs like Chariots of Fire and We are the Champions.
Party Finale
Hold an authentic awards ceremony complete with flowers and medals. Don’t hesitate to make your birthday child the gold medalist, as long as everyone else is awarded a ribbon too.
Birthday Presents & Favors
Take a Polaroid of each child as they receive their award. Then hand out the photos as party favors when the gathering is winding down. And if your guests are all in a gymnastics team, give them this great favor bag to take with them. They will certainly use it and it will bring back great birthday party memories.
Or this personalized towel.
Party Tips
Remember to enlist a few people to help chaperone this party. Everyone should have a “spotter” with any tumbling they try.