Race Car Birthday Party — Linda Kaye’s Partymakers
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Linda Kaye’s Partymakers just had a fun filled weekend hosting many children’s Birthday Parties. Here is a highlight of one of the birthday parties, the Race Car Birthday Party for a 3 year old.

Race-Car-Themed party goods and festive bouquets of helium balloons greeted the guests as 21 three-year-olds entered a gym filled with fun filled activities. There was a large personalized Race Car banner  displayed prominently just above the birthday table to highlight the birthday child.

Popover cupcakes in race car cupcake holders awaited the children to try their hands at  a cupcake decorating station. Children added sugar cars,  traffic light colored candies and sprinkles to make their individual cupcakes a masterpiece.. The children loved this activity because it meant they could eat cake just after breakfast! The parents would have loved for the kids to wait to eat their cupcakes later but they gave in when they saw how much fun they were having.

A  facepainter granted the wishes of each child for a special design to wear, including a very special unicorn princess and a spiderman. Even the grown ups loved having their faces and hands painted with colorful designs.

And there was no physical activity lacking either, between the toddler tumbler and a VW car filled with balls. the children couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend their sunday!  They were also thrilled with the carnival games which offered them a multitude of prizes- no winning necessary!

The children also received a very fun surprise visit from a Race Car Driver (Entertainer) who led them through a series of physical activities such as the limbo, tube crawling and even showed them how to make balloon figures! After having completed all the race car tasks the children ‘graduated’ from Race Car training with their very own Race Car Cap.

The afternoon continued delicious refreshments and a fabulous race car cake designed by Chef Sara Pereira for Partymakers.  The color of the car reflected the birthday child’s favorite color: green. 

And of course no birthday party is complete without a few goodie bags given out at the end of the party for each child:  toys, stickers and their individual personalized place mat!

This was a fantastic party, lots of fun and play, the happiest birthday a child could ask for, and that’s all Partymakers asks for!

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